Governance Proposal: Halve Staking Rewards
A governance proposal to reduce the AdEx Staking Pool rewards by half is under vote. This change aims to sustain the rewards boost while enhancing the earnings generated by the AdEx platform.

In January 2024, the AdEx community voted to reduce staking rewards by half, aiming to extend the reward distribution period and maintain a balanced incentive structure for a longer time period. To back this decision, the AdEx team allocated additional treasury tokens, pushing the rewards timeline out by another 12 months. This move ensured rewards would keep flowing until February 2025, sustaining ADX staking until the AdEx platform is launched, at which point rewards will begin to be generated from the platform itself. As the end time approaches, it is time to look into rewards again.
The governance proposal
The AdEx platform is now live and actively onboarding new advertisers, which means rewards will naturally grow over time.
However, we can continue the reward boost by halving the reward rate again. This would have a few key benefits:
- Rewards will be higher when combined with the ones coming from product-generated revenue
- We can sustain this reward boost for longer
- We reduce ADX token emissions
The tokens needed for this adjustment will be sourced from the team's treasury.
The voting options
Halve the ADX rewards
This would reduce the current APY for ADX staking but extend the staking period by an additional 12 months, with rewards on top of those generated by the AdEx platform.
Maintain the current APY until February
The current APY can remain until February 2025, after that it will be switched to a lower APY generated solely from the platform rewards.
The voting period for this proposal will start on January 17th, 2025, and end on January 31st, 2025.
Who can vote?
Voting is open to holders of our two governance tokens: ADX-STAKING and ADX-LOYALTY. Please note that if you hold ADX tokens but haven't staked them, you won’t be eligible to vote.
Have your say on Snapshot:
Vote results
The AdEx community unanimously decided to extend the staking rewards boost period by reducing the current rewards by half. This extension ensures that staking rewards remain higher when combined with those generated from the AdEx platform, allowing for a more sustainable reward boost over time. Additionally, it helps reduce ADX token emissions, with the required tokens for this adjustment being sourced from the team's treasury.

The rewards boost will be extended automatically for another year, after the previous boost has concluded.
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